Forever Young | 1992

- Locations |
- Los Angeles, California
- Steve Miner
Romantic fantasy (scripted by a young JJ Abrams) with Mel Gibson as Daniel McCormick, a WWII pilot put into deep freeze in 1939 and thawed out by young Elijah Wood 50 years later.
The fictitious ‘Alexander Field’, where McCormick crashes in 1939, was constructed on an old airstrip in Moorpark, on Route 118, northwest of Los Angeles on the road to Ventura.
The 1992 version of the tower is at Van Nuys Airport, 6590 Hayvenhurst Avenue between Roscoe Boulevard and Vanowen Street, Van Nuys (also used in Casablanca and in Laurel and Hardy’s Flying Deuces).
The 1939 diner was built on a street corner in Claremont, north of Pomona to the east of Los Angeles, then aged, updated and moved five miles to Northridge, northern Los Angeles, for the 1992 scenes.
The ‘Wings of Freedom’ airshow filmed at Los Alamitos Army Airfield, I-405 east of Long Beach.
The shingle cottage, built for the movie alongside an existing lighthouse but since dismantled, was on a rocky bluff at Point Arena, in Mendocino County on the California coast about 120 miles north of San Francisco, Route 1. Point Arena Lighthouse itself is open for visiting.