Buffy The Vampire Slayer | 1992

- Locations |
- Los Angeles, California
- Fran Kuzui
Back when dinosaurs walked the earth, before Sarah Michelle Gellar, there was Kristy Swanson...
Was I the only person who saw the big-screen version of the cult TV series? With Luke Perry as her dumb sidekick, Donald Sutherland as mentor and Rutger Hauer as head vampire, it did nothing at the box office but it's amiable, undemanding fun.
But for the big screen, Buffy's school is another familiar location – you can see it in loads of movies including John Frankenheimer’s Fifties juve delinquent melodrama The Young Stranger, with James MacArthur and Kim Hunter, Eighties bodyswap farce Like Father, Like Son, Pretty In Pink and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Its playing fields were seen in Grease.
It's John Marshall High School, 3939 Tracy Street in Silverlake, Los Angeles, which numbers Leonardo DiCaprio among its ex-pupils.
The school crops up again as 'Pointes High', where John Cusack attends the reunion in Grosse Pointe Blank.

‘Sunnydale High’ for the TV series is Torrance High School, 2200 West Carson Street at El Prado Avenue down in Torrance, south Los Angeles. The same school was 'West Beverly High' in TV's Beverly Hills 90210 as well as ‘Gilmore High’ in Whatever It Takes and the courtyard of ‘John Hughes High’ in Not Another Teen Movie.