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Tuesday February 11th 2025

All Or Nothing | 2002

All Or Nothing filming location: Lassell Street, Greenwich, southeast London
All Or Nothing filming location: Timothy Spall's cab office: Lassell Street, Greenwich, southeast London

So relentlessly glum, All Or Nothing starts to feel more like a wallow than observation and, underneath the surface grit, isn’t this just the old ‘family-drawn-together-by-adversity’ TV movie? Like Mike Leigh’s magnificent Naked, a central performance holds the screen.

The locale is Greenwich, southeast London, though not the touristy Greenwich of Naval College and maritime history. 'Gladiator Cars', the cab office of hangdog Phil (Timothy Spall) is 73 Lassell Street in Greenwich, now a smart art gallery.

The local boozer was The British Sailor, which also stood on Lassell Street, until it was demolished as part of the quayside redevelopment. The estate is the Haddo Estate, north of Greenwich Station, which was deserted and about to be demolished. The graffiti, that’s real.

All Or Nothing filming location: Ambassadors Hotel, Upper Woburn Place, Euston, London
All Or Nothing filming location: the claustrophobic French lady: Ambassadors Hotel, Upper Woburn Place, Euston, London

The film briefly escapes glumness with a brief foray into more central London as Phil drops off the claustrophobic French lady and her monstrous vase at a posh hotel. The hotel is the Ambassadors Hotel, 12 Upper Woburn Place, just to the south of Euston Station.

The hospital, where son Rory (James Corden) suffers the consequences of his junk food lifestyle, is Greenwich District Hospital, Woolwich Road.